
Course Information

HT Intro to Cont Arch (HT 2100)

Term: 2017-2018 Academic Year Fall


Erik Martin GhenoiuShow MyInfo popup for Erik Martin Ghenoiu
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Mon, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (9/5/2017 - 12/15/2017) Location: MAIN MAIN 226


1GA (HT 2100): Intro to Contemporary Architecture
This course provides a chronological review of major movements in architecture from the 1960s to the present. It introduces and contextualize key projects and polemics in contemporary architecture. The course will devote significant attention to specific relationships between the organization, configuration, and articulation of buildings and the historical, conceptual, and cultural arguments with which they are associated.

Course Objectives:
Major and Movements. To develop an understanding of the functional, structural, and aesthetic principles associated with major stylistic and ideological movements in late-20th century and contemporary architecture.
Historical Features. To investigate the formal, organizational, and material strategies characteristic of these periods.
Meanings and Effects. To interrogate the specific meanings and effects associated with the organization, configuration, and articulation of buildings and buildi