HT Theories of Cont Arc I (HT 2200)
Term: 2017-2018 Academic Year Fall
Mon, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (9/5/2017 - 12/15/2017) Location: MAIN MAIN 224
Mon, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (9/5/2017 - 12/15/2017) Location: MAIN MAIN LIBRY
2GAX (HT 2200): Theories of Contemporary Architecture I
The seminar will introduce several contemporary disciplinary themes through readings and project presentations. These themes are aligned with the content of the 2GAX studio and are intended to outline research trajectories that students will pursue collectively throughout the duration of the course in the form of in-class discussions and presentations. Each student will be required to conduct ongoing research, culminating in a clearly formulated argument that advances a specific position on one of the disciplinary themes introduced in the seminar. The research should be situated as a test case for specific approaches to design and to modes of practicing.
Contemporary Discourse. To develop an understanding of contemporary architectural practice and discourse.
Independent Research. To develop ability in research (reading and critical thinking) skills through study of primary and secondary source materials al