
Course Information

HT Space is the Place (HT 2732)

Term: 2019-2020 Academic Year Fall


Benjamin BrattonShow MyInfo popup for Benjamin Bratton
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Thu, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (9/3/2019 - 12/13/2019) Location: MAIN MAIN 225


Space is the Place: Astronomy, Planetarity, Artificiality
Our seminar topics will include (but are not limited to): Los Angeles and California more generally in old and new space programs (JPL, SpaceX, Mojave Space Port, Northrup Skunkworks); closed-loop systems; geographic sensing and imaging; the truly alien and the productive qualities of alienation, corporeal prostheses; the geologic condition of culture; planetary logistics; the cognitive aesthetics of deep time; the Copernican turn; “space dogs” ; astropolitics, astrorobotics and astrobiology; Kim Stanley Robinson on (among other things) terraforming, comparative planetology and why the moon is new mars; Galina Balishova and soviet spaceship interior design; Lisa Messeri on the anthropology of exoplanets; Gökçe Günel on Buckminster Fuller/ Norman Foster in Masdar; Elie During on zero gravity philosophy without ground; Holly Jean Buck on why progressives should reconsider geoengineering; Sun Ra on Afrofuturism and outer spac